Porvoo A-Asunnot owns several properties that are inhabited by residents, who need various supported housing services. There is a provider of housing services in the properties, and this provider usually also takes care of the selection of residents for the sites.


Tulliportinkatu 4
Adlercreutzinkatu 25-27
Mannerheiminkatu 25

The Omenamäki service center at Tulliportinkatu4 and Mannerheiminkatu 25 in the center of Porvoo consists of three residential buildings and a service center section. In the service center section guided exercise activities and hobbies are offered for senior citizens from Porvoo. In addition, there is a counselling center for the elderly and the disabled. Omenamäki has 76 service apartments and three group homes.

Palomäki service center at Adlercreutzinkatu 25-27 is located at the center of Porvoo. Sheltered housing comprises 55 apartments for enhanced service houses.

How to apply to housing service counselling: Residential units and service homes for the elderly (in Finnish)

Linjatie 34
Aleksanterinkaari 6
Karhupolku 2-4 K

The apartments and group homes located at Linjatie 34, Aleksanterinkaari 6 and Karhupolku 2-4 are intended for Swedish-speaking people with disabilities. More information: Swedish-speaking housing units for people with disabilities (in Finnish)

Sammontie 4
Galgbackantie 9
Jousitie 4

The apartments and group homes at Sammontie 4, Jousitie 4, Galgbackantie 9 are intended for people with disabilities or autism. Apartments and properties are built in conjunction with ordinary rental properties and as part of the community. More information: Housing services for people with disabilities (in Finnish)

Koivumäentie 6

The premises of Koivumäentie 6 are used for youth home and other child welfare services. More information: Youth home Alva house (in Finnish)