Tenants of A-Companies can influence matters concerning their own housing, and promote comfort and maintenance in the houses. Residents receive information and can participate in the preparation and decision-making on certain matters concerning their own residential building. Resident democracy is based on the law on joint administration of tenement houses.
Through these liaison bodies, residents can make statements on the annual draft budget, on the proposal for rent determination, on the annual renovation plan and on the organization of housing management and maintenance.
In A-Companies, residents can participate in, among other things, the residents’ meeting and the house committee of their own house, in the annual large residents’ meeting of all residents, in the activities of the residents ‘committee and in the residents’ association. Residents vote annually for two members to the Board of Directors of A-Asunnot. In addition, residents from each house can elect an elected house representative, who will participate in the joint residents’ committee of all houses.
The elected house representative is the closest contact person to the resident, to handle the affairs of their own house. You can find the names of your elected house representatives on your house’s bulletin board.
More information on resident democracy on ARA’s website (in Finnish)